1 1/2 cups Buttermilk and Milk (you can use just milk or half and half)
5 large Eggs
1/4 tsp. Salt
1 cup Raw Sugar
1 stick Butter
1 tsp Cinnamon (optional)
Grease Pan
Melt Butter, add sugar, salt and optional cinnamon.
Pour into Pan.
Slice enough Bread to cover 9×13 pan. Laying Flat, Side by Side.
Stuff the spaces/holes with extra bread
Crack and whip eggs. Pour egg and buttermilk batter over bread and melted butter & sugar. Yes, it will look like a lot of liquid, but it will soak into the bread overnight.
Cover and Soak in the fridge overnight.
Pull from the fridge 30 min-1 hour prior to baking so that it returns to room
Pre-heat oven to 350. Bake 350-45 minutes or until eggs/buttermilk are
cooked. If needed turn the oven up to 400.